Sadly, no difference with the new (old) report. The MS Print to PDf I think I tried some time ago but they have dummied it down so much it sucks at formating text correctly and in general cant even display a simple page layout consistently. I guess I'll have to change my printer settings to force it to by default print double-sided before printing any LOGic multi-page reports and hope to remember to change it back when done. At least that way I can print from inside the previewer. I wonder why the FoxyPreviewer doesnt support double-sided printing, one would think it a basic and common feature

I did notice if you leave the Run Report Options window open after printing and print it again it will print it again and again without issue. Its like once that window is closed and then re-opened for another report is when it pops up the open file window instead of printing.
Also when trying to print the second report and getting the LOGic Open File window pop-up the windows printer que showed a print job but it just sat there like its trying to spool but never does. Instead of Cntrl-Alt-Deleting out of LOGic I left the Open File window and the printer que window open and after about 3 or 4 minutes the printer started to print but only a partial page and it never ejected till after I killed the print job. Not sure if that helps any.
For the heck of it I deleted my printer and driver and re-installed but alas.....
Brad, K8ZM